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Why is this important? As you recall, for a steroidal hormone to provide an androgenic benefit it must necessarily bind to the androgen receptors; regardless of how androgenic in nature the particular hormone is if it has a poor androgen receptor binding ability it will provide no androgenic action. This is the case of steroids such as Halotestin which carry with it little to no binding affinity and even some DHT based steroids such as Stanozolol (Winstrol) making them almost useless in-terms of building size but as you may already know, due to their anabolic nature they can still be very useful. Then we have anabolic androgenic steroids with positive androgen binding ability yet produce little in-terms of massive growth but can still be very useful. Recall, androgens not only promote size but fat-loss as well or more aptly increased metabolic activity; when we couple this with solid anabolic activity we have a worthwhile steroid of an androgenic nature although weak in-terms of size or growth; Primobolan being a prime example, .